Monday, August 9, 2010

illegal immigrants in Switzerland

Since Switzerland joined the Schengen area, have increased the number of illegal immigrants, immigration police chief warns of the city Berner Alexander Ott. Many illegal immigrants came from Brazil, India and China.

Mr. Ott come since the 2008 accession of Switzerland to the Schengen and more people in Switzerland? Alexander Ott: Yes, that's clear. The Schengen Agreement is shifting the Swiss border on the line around the Schengen countries. Whoever enters by air in the Schengen area, where he is controlled. How to check quality and intensity of incoming travelers at these borders is very different.
Can you elaborate procedure with the entry requirements in the U.S. compare? No. The U.S. immigration regulations are more restrictive than those in the Schengen area. It is a fact that each year more than 500,000 people enter illegally to Western Europe.
This means it Schengen travel more illegals to Switzerland with. Of this you can go out. Our findings with regard to persons arrested, which reside irregularly without a valid residence permit in Switzerland or in the city of Bern confirm this trend. Every day about 320,000 vehicles pass through the Swiss border, and about 600,000 people travel daily in and out.With the Schengen border agreement, it became the part easier to enter without valid papers to Switzerland. It developed new loopholes.
What? People travel a surreptitious means of a Schengen visa. We also pick more illegals on the show not with fake papers, but with wrong. With immigration controls which was not noticed.
Are there countries from which illegal migration is increasing significantly? From the so-called BRIC countries, meaning Brazil, Russia, India and China, more people move to Switzerland (see box, the note). Particularly from Brazil, we have seen more people from poor educational families. Often they have no future and live in abject poverty. Moreover, unemployment is very high in their countries.
Why can not they enter legally? BRIC countries are third, which means that they enter only in the context of the approval procedure as highly qualified specialists in Switzerland. The others often seek alternative entry options.
What? For example, nationals from South America as part of my permit to enter without a visa. They often come as part of studies and language studies in Switzerland and no longer travel. In addition, many foreigners are looking for a stay way by marrying a person from Switzerland. We check all alone in the city of Berne on a year of more than one hundred marriages abuse.
How are these people getting married for Swiss? Often such contacts go through organized agencies on the Internet. In some states there are real networks that have specifically focused on the marriage of Swiss citizens with foreigners.
But if there is a marriage, but can be checked by the authorities. The marriage so by law be lived over again. These investigations are very complex and comprehensive. It lacks the competent authorities of sufficient human resources. Moreover, the examination of applications for family reunification is always more expensive. Regularly, there are cases in which the fetch living in Switzerland people children in the family reunion to be like, which are not their own children.
This can be but with DNA testing to prove quickly and reliably. That is correct. But the procedures are both complex and expensive. Each DNA test costs an average of 500 francs. The Aliens of Bern treated annually rising over 1300 family members wanted - trend.
They work for over twenty years in the migration policy. Where do you see need for action? The migration is complex and often contradictory. It includes both foreign nationals, active labor market policy and social aspects. This creates a constant tension between regular and irregular migration. It is therefore important that abuses punished consistently, but with circumstances and situation-einzelfallgerecht be assessed. We note that in the context of irregular migration, increasingly people are being exploited.
In what way? With the liberalization and expansion of the free movement of persons between Switzerland and EU in particular the trafficking of people from Eastern European countries has increased. This we noticed in particular in the sex trade, but also in private households, hotels and restaurants, in agriculture or in construction. In Bern, there are cases where persons are working for less than 10 francs per hour and no insurance.
Why do foreigners get such a job offers on? This is a question of survival. Because if you can earn little, that's still better than earning nothing at home.
What dangers do you see for Switzerland in the immigration policy do? We must be careful that we do not make the same mistakes as France with the banlieues.It needs an appropriate spatial coexistence with consideration, decency and respect. It is important to consistently prevent the formation of ghettos and subcultures.
Alexander Ott is director of resident services, migration and immigration police in Bern.He has over 20 years working in this field.

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